Collaboration - Subject 1 - Setting up Layouts

Collaboration - Subject 1 - Setting up Layouts

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Subject 1 - Setting up Layouts

This subject has 4 topics and runs for approximately 14 minutes:

1.1 -  Template (1:32)

Using an effective template file reduces the required setup for each project. In this video we'll review the template, optimised for the processes of collaboration & coordination.

1.2 - Toolbars (2:21)

ArchiCAD's work environment determines our digital interface experience. Toolbars are the fastest way to access ArchiCAD's commands graphically. In this video we'll customise toolbars for our collaboration & coordination needs.

1.3 - Saved Views on Layouts (4:03)

In order to maintain an efficient ArchiCAD file, it is important to manage the intentional creation of accurate saved views in the view map, rather than allowing ArchiCAD to automatically generate views, which occurs when drawings are saved into the layout book directly from the project map. In this video we'll create saved views in the view map before assigning them to layouts.

1.4 - Layouts (5:49)

Layouts are ArchiCAD's digital representation of paper views, and can contain multiple referenced drawing links from the view map. Master layouts are used to define the layouts settings, including size, margin, and title block information. In this video we'll create and edit layouts, and adjust drawing settings.